The problem with China and what they need to do to fix the mess!!!!, page-3

  1. 17,022 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    So in the video it talks about youth unemployment hitting 20.8 percent. This is a problem.
    This is a bigger problem than property development.

    Youth unemployment is a bigger problem than GDP. China needs to forget GDP, it is a BS measure. Activity is important, hours worked by the masses are important, nominal GDP is misleading.

    China strength is the size of its workforce and ability to mobilise them. Everything else is secondary and China above all has to keep the masses happy. The elite are not important. China would not prefer discontent not war.

    It is important China ignores USA and its problems and focus on getting the youngsters working building products and services ignoring property.

    One of China's biggest rivals is India in terms of population size. China needs to ensure China's workforce is the best and capitalise on that. Property development is secondary and China should not focus on USA nor the US dollar and engage with other countries which it is doing.

    I think in the video it said China was no longer reporting a figure or measure. China should forget reporting GDP, it is a BS measure and focus on youth unemployment and hours worked by each of the masses and what they are creating. Consumers in Australia are paying far too much for crap products. We should be buying cheaper better products from China if China can reduce its property valuations and overheads in its production inputs so it can compete itself out of its problems.

    The trouble with the youth unemployment is it creates generational issues and China could explode down the track. So his really needs to be nipped in the bud and give reasons for the youth to look forward and have babies and grow and develop increasing activity and hours of interaction and improved social wellbeing as a result

    So if China gets sanctioned ignore those markets and compete in other markets and make them more successful!! China needs to become a leader and ignore the likes of USA, ignore the US dollar and crypto, where USA is becoming a fallen power.
    Last edited by DavoMagic: 01/05/24
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