the problem with the ipcc, page-33

  1. 25,527 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi tinnitus

    As to the first part of your question
    I read the web site of the organization concerned and their stated objectives, where do they get their money from, do they have a history of even handed reporting. What is their charter?

    It does not take any great knowledge to ascertain that as a media outlet they are only concerned with one point of view and they use questionable methods to push their ideas

    Can you advise what process you would use, from your experience , to get a lot of research summarised into a documnet that has the support of those people?

    All media use the cherry picking method to put forward their point of view and to say that they represent ALL scientific knowledge on this subject is laughable.

    The average person can only read and study as much as possible and come to a conclusion.

    In that study there will be certain unassailable facts which cannot be denied. The rest of the story must fall in line with the absolute facts and when it comes to data from suspect sources and computer modeling you have to be very careful adding this to the mix.

    Scientists and in fact all “experts” should present only facts and truth and not opinions.
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