are you denying Palestinains a homeland because they are arabs...

  1. 37,808 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 501
    are you denying Palestinains a homeland because they are arabs ?
    The Israeli's fought for their homeland ......I can't see why you are surprised that Palestinians feel strongly about theirs too .

    I'm about as neutral in this as you are going to find ....and if not perfectly neutral objective judge ......and to me there is far too much religion mixed into nationality from both jews and muslims in the area for the good of all

    all religions should be respected ...... no religion should give special priveleges in a country .......fair treatment of all in the region needn't be dictated to or limmited by religion

    the terrorism does need to stop .....the provocation by Israel also needs to stop .....I'm talking particularly taking Palestinian west bank land for Israeli settlements and opposing a Palestinian homeland an aussie of course I'd like to see a fair go for all

    Israel has all the power in the region .....they should take the initiative to make peace with their neighbours .....Netanyahu's disrespect simply encourages conflict
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