the rain gauge

  1. 1,048 Posts.
    ow much didya get? old bluey called in
    through the rainstreaked window in snoreful a haze
    it rained me a treat and it filled up me tin
    and it ain’t done that for plenty a days

    the only moisture of recent was seen
    a dew and a sweat and a puddle of tears
    but down she came in buckets umpteen
    like she had to repay those calamitous years

    now for the cows we can lay down some hay
    and rouse up some pay to stay out of the red
    yeah but ow much didya get? now bluey dismayed
    the kettle’s on blue! as we lied outa bed

    well his glued on hat came off his shy head
    and we each had a cup of talkative tea
    boasting full grit of the good times ahead
    the edges and brinks where we’d most likely be

    I took an old fence out yesterdy blue
    ya know those old posts that we cut in our prime
    would no longer hold the gate fro or to
    but it held the rain gauge for a measurable time

    I was claspin the rain gauge in me hand blue
    as the two old rustridden screws popped out
    when suddenly my wife appeared in the hue
    hands waving to herald a half decent shout

    a sheep’s got in with the calves in the truck!
    she screamed I drops me expendable tools
    and ran to help get the bloody thing off
    farms have the strictest emergency rules

    yeah but how many millilitres! gunna tell me or not?
    ya mustna got much! bluey now in a rage
    in me rush blue the shed was as far as I got
    high and dry as its wont on the bench …. sits the gauge
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