How does that make any sense JC?First of all, they say...

  1. 20,020 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 870
    How does that make any sense JC?

    First of all, they say themselves that 'climate-alarmists' have "claimed that over the past several decades: (a) earth's temperature has risen to a level that is unprecedented over the past millennium or more" yet they dispute that by comparing temperatures over the last 340,000 years!

    Secondly, as per their own quotation "(b) the world has been warming at a rate that is equally unprecedented", no one has claimed the temperature levels now are unprecedented over the past 340,000 years. What they are claiming is that the "rate" of warming is unprecedented. The rate of warming and the temperature level are two different things, as anyone who has done basic maths will tell you, yet its a difference which those Einsteins at seem to be unable to grasp.

    Perhaps they should have cherry picked a claim which they were actually able to disprove from the available, uncontested data.
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