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The real deal

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    Here are my thoughts based on my belief in this management, our technology and the markets perspective.

    After being around this stock for more than ten years, I have never been more secure and assured of this company, it's management, it's technology and it's future prospects.

    I will go further to say, that because of Glyn and Jeff that I have most of my money invested in this company. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever in their integrity, their skills and their commitment. As far as I am concerned, I do not know of any better or safer hands .... here is why.

    The company and it's management.

    As a company, OBJ started out as a high risk penny stock among 1000's globally, so finding OBJ required a lot of patience and commitment of time and research.

    I am not a research scientist or a detailed personality, I am a big picture person and as a result I am indebted to people like ADBM, Jacetheace40, Smac656, CMK 1969, Black Kiwi, GBR, Third Eye, for the way they have contributed and educated me on the more specific details.

    But in my opinion, we need both personalities ... BIG PICTURE PEOPLE, as well as PROFESSIONAL DETAILED PEOPLE, to work together.

    I realised the full significance of this technology, capable of penetrating the skin barrier, as chemistry itself has yet to master such penetration and here we have little OBJ creating a superhighway through the skin, carrying all kinds of chemistry in an efficient manner.

    This has never been accomplished before, it's a world class innovative technology and as such was never going to get into the market overnight.

    Our technology is like when we went from the horse and buggy days, to motor vehicles, yes I believe this technology is that big.

    In my opinion this will change the way medicine is delivered, as well as vitamins in the future. Just as we are now changing the way cosmetics are delivered ....PENETRATION IS KEY in the cosmetics industry. And will be even bigger for the medical and vitamin industry.

    I remember a comment from Jeff after I had spent many months going through every announcement and every trial that OBJ ever performed, from the very first announcement. I said to Jeff that I was overwhelmed with how the company continued to achieve it's goals in the laboratory and trials, they were so successful, it appeared to be unrealistic. Jeff informed me, that this is the difference between proven and reliable physical science, as opposed to nebulous chemical science.

    He explained that OBJ's tech was based on established and known physical science and that their main challenge, is to patent, package and present this science into and tangible and efficient products. Of course this is no mean feat and no company has even come close to what OBJ is currently achieving. The evidence is the enormous roll out of so many products in potentially many brands .... WAKE UP EVERYONE, RIGHT NOW OBJ IS CREATING HISTORY WITH EVERY NEW PRODUCT LAUNCHED. And we are only just beginning.

    Another interesting comment Jeff made, was that OBJ's technology could replace the chemistry of many products in many industries ... let me repeat OBJ's technology could replace the chemistry in many products in many industries. That was certainly an eye opener for me.

    When Jeff said that, Glyn intervened and stated that this was one of the problems OBJ has, so much opportunity that Glyn's greatest role has been to prioritise what industry and what product OBJ should start with and he said, I often have to tie Jeff down to control his excitement.

    One day not too long from now, Jeff will be known as one of the greatest inventors of our time .

    A little on OBJ's philosophy

    Both Glyn and Jeff believe that some natural ingredients are far superior than synthetic, particularly in many areas such as medicines and cosmetics. Initially, to court the existing giants, they planned to assist in delivering their partners’ products first. Then over time they hoped to introduce their own natural product.

    Wake up Australia we have an incredible opportunity to accumulate more shares at such a low price in my opinion.

    We can now see clearly that P&G hold no doubt in our technology, as they are incorporating our technology in their biggest brands and we are only just beginning. Now P&G are rolling out multiple products in multiple brands as was foretold in the last few years. The challenge is, we as investors have had the wrong measuring stick when it comes to just how much time this has taken to develop.

    As P&G rolls out our technology into more and more products, it will become painfully obvious just how effective our technologies are and will attract other global partners. But Glyn has had to keep the company focused on P&G, as that's where they have been developing a large number of products, proven recently, through current launches.

    We signed in 2014 with P&G, with just one product, now just over 3.5 years later we are looking at numerous products, hitting the market which in my opinion is an amazing accomplishment and with ready made global distribution and marketing at no cost to us and in established global brands.

    In my opinion there is going to be a tsunami of revenue, starting with a trickle and then becoming a flood. I believe the market has completely underestimated the amount of revenue that will flow onto OBJ's bottom line.

    I do not know of any other small company such as OBJ, with this many new innovative products coming into the market and at such speed as we are seeing currently.

    I am also very excited about the enormous potential of our second technology recently signed. Though there is a second part to complete, I believe the market has missed what this product means for OBJ and could well be their most successful product. I had the priviledge of hearing Jeff years ago enthusiastically share how one day OBJ would develop a mobile application that would personalise the customer experience, through software innovation. It would have the ability to snapshot a customers face, assess that person’s personal needs and be able to order a product on the spot via their mobile phone, personalised and perform according to their personal features.

    Now to a degree, this is happening through a number of major companies, but OBJ has the penetration and proof of science in our technology over other companys’products. As customers experience the difference and greater results in OBJ’s products, they will continue to return. This is what I believe is the defining edge that has motivated P&G to take on board OBJ's online mobile application.

    In what form and to what extent, I obviously do not know. But when I asked Glyn, how much does OBJ's innovation play in setting up their truly innovative centre in Singapore? Glyn said OBJ's team has and will continue to play a major roll in P&G's expansion and innovation. Hence the claim that OBJ will become the Heart of P&G's innovation reflects this statement as P&G begins to enter global online shopping, watch this space.

    I sat up and listened to P&G's financial report a few months ago, I took particular notice as P&G discussed how they were the biggest over the counter brick and mortar retailer and as a result, are the first to see trends in retail.

    They said that due to online sales their own over the counter brick and mortar offline retail was getting harder to maintain market share. Their online share represented only 5% of their total volume and was growing more rapidly. So over the next few years their focus will shift majorly to their online business model, beginning with the innovative centre in Singapore as well as the one currently being set up in China. They further admitted they were well behind the market when it came to online retail sales and this has to change.

    They also discussed how highly informed and educated the consumer is, due to social media and that they had to bring out products that are backed up with proven science, to capture and maintain the publics attention.

    After hearing this and now OBJ's mobile platform plus our recent signing, has demonstrated to me, that little OBJ could actually be the Gateway, or at least a major part of P&G's entrance into online retail.

    OBJ's platform and it's personalisation approach, backed up with proven science and results, could well be the company maker that could send our stock price soaring and the second signing could take place anytime now.

    There is so much happening, no wonder Glyn talks about living and working out of a suit case.

    One of the main contentions I believe has negatively impacted the share price and driven negative sentiment, has been the power of P&G's foot over little OBJ. Glyn has had to manage around P&G's demand for compliance and as frustrating as that is, has mainly been for our protection and to me spelt out just how big our innovation is.

    Another has been the constant personal attacks painting Glyn and managements character and culture as lacking in skills and integrity. As well as the constant talk of removing him from the board. I heard many years ago, that despite his brilliant creative genius, Jeff was not able to monetise the products. Inventers rarely can. Glyn came on board and applied his considerable business skills, resulting in what we see today – a partnership with the world’s largest companies in their field.

    A lot of this talk in my opinion has been promoted by those who have a manipulated agenda to do one thing to manipulate the price for better entry and accumulation. Unfortunately at times they have even influenced some of our well meaning posters, especially when our investments go in the red as that always sparks fear and concern.

    This is where I believe we have all fully underestimated the power that can be used through Hotcopper in influencing sentiment and price, but they cannot do this long term, but definitely in the short to medium term, in my opinion.

    Instead of recognising and focusing on just exactly what Glyn and management have achieved, the constant and negative posting has had a detrimental effect on OBJ's stock price.

    Hotcopper is a powerful medium and some OBJ investors rightly or wrongly use this forum as a major part of their fact finding and research and they have not considered how the manipulation and hidden agendas can and do influence the price and value of our stock. I know some unsophisticated investors who have been frightened off at what they read. They do not possess the skill to know how to filter the information.

    I also believe management may have underestimated the negative impact and though it may not be something they want to focus on, in the best interest of shareholders something must be done to counter balance and correct some of the negative and unsubstantiated is important in this modern day and age to not ignore social platforms with tens of thousands of investors and traders influencing the current perspective and direction. In my opinion, this is very important. Currently I am looking to find a way to resolve this and are hoping OBJ management can support this in some way.

    The fact we have succeeded in partnering with the likes of P&G evidenced by the current and known future roll outs and yet the price goes down and sentiment continues to be negative, only demonstrates the importance and urgency of accepting that Hotcopper as a social forum must be taken more seriously. We need to counterbalance with more factual and supportive posting. This is an important factor over our investment in OBJ.

    So what I am saying is that both investors and the company have underestimated the power of Hotcopper as a social media platform and it's impact on our investment and I am hoping something can be done about this.

    But in the not too distant future, I also believe that our little Aussie battler OBJ will overcome all these challenges, purely through the results, that in my opinion will be forth coming. I also believe OBJ will become a major global entity in itself. But this will require a very strong management team and I sincerely hope Glyn does not resign too quickly, as I have the utmost confidence in his management.

    Yes the presentation and communications could always be better, but it appears to me that Glyn's focus and rightfully so, has been consumed with pulling together the relationships, the production and development of a large number of innovative products to commercialisation. As the revenues begin to flow, I believe Glyn will then build a team, able to present and communicate more efficiently. It's a progressive reality, that has not yet eventuated.

    To accomplish this Glyn and Jeff have literally been living out of a suitcase and I believe both of them have been under recognised for their substantial and supportive role. Jeff has spent over 30 years getting this technology of the ground and Glyn has definitely been the catalyst that strategically and successfully led our products to commercialisation. I also believe Glyn's intention to resign is a major sign the company is heading into a sustainable commercial stage, knowing Glyn as I do, would never leave his position, without finishing the job.

    Hope this helps ....this is all obviously my opinion only, DYOR

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