The real reason we are in trouble, page-32

  1. 25,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi oorain

    What Chinese gentleman? Also there are very few Chinese restaurants that I have been into who employ a whole lot of (white) Australians

    My comment regarding older people being allowed in is that if it has been government policy to allow immigrants and especially the much abused family reunion over the age of 30 years into the country they are in a poor position to start complaining 20 years later that our economy can not support the aged pension for the quantity of people now retiring and asking for the aged pension

    They should have worked that calculation out before they allowed them in in the first place, another imported problem caused by people who can't do the maths

    We have all I am sure come into contact with Europeans who have had enormous difficulty in coming to this country as immigrants

    I have also known rich Europeans who have had the same problem on the business entry as well

    Europeans in general do not have much trouble in assimilating but a succession of politicians have made it a deliberate policy to break up the anglo saxon mix with people from cultures who will NEVER assimilate
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