The Religious Discrimination Bill 2019 is coming soon!, page-24

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    In the explanatory notes, the government give a series of examples that will be allowed. I'm using those.

    In Victoria of course, religious doctors will be allowed not to inform patients of their rights under the Voluntary Assisted Dying law of 2017. Yes, there's abortions too. Doctors will be allowed to conceal legal options from patients and refuse procedures.

    But there's a WAY bigger thing you haven't considered, and it will impact the families of many posters reading this.

    Contraception isn't just used to stop babies. It's used to control a wide range of medical disorders in women. Catholic doctors will be allowed to refuse to prescribe oral contraception or refuse to inform their patients of the proven clinical benefits of oral contraceptives in combating ovarian cysts, endometriosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual migraine, issues of bone structure and asthma, breast disease, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and colon cancer.

    I know of incidences of about half of those things in the women of my family. Under the care of a doctor with religious prohibitions, they will suffer more pain and be at risk of disability and death.
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