the revolution is beginning..., page-21

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Banjar writes:

    "But it is the first hand experiences of visitors
    here either as students or tourists that will carry
    the most weight with regards to the perceived
    attitudes of the ordinary Australian citizen."

    Which was one of the reasons why my
    wife and I try (via welcoming overseas
    uni students into our home) to
    'counter-balance' the ghastly
    impression the now-defunct
    Howard regime gave to the
    world with it's grotesque
    'Kidnap Cage Terrorise"
    unwanted non-white
    children policy to
    make refugee

    I still cannot fathom how low supposed
    sane and normal Liberal MPs were
    prepared to go (in abusing caged
    children) to garner redneck and
    racist votes - but it remains
    my most enduring memory
    of the Howard years that
    no amount of PR spin
    (in here or elsewhere)
    can erase - ever!
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