the rich fleece the poor

  1. 229 Posts.
    time for a revolution is approaching!!
    As the gap between the rich and poor widens so does the probability of a revolution. Rich scum bags abuse and use the weak and vunerable.
    Look at how the government pours money into the private school system, looking after its rich mates while the public school system is in dire straits of funds just to maintain basic standards of decency.
    TAx laws designed to keep the poor poor!
    How utterly ridiculous it is to tax someone living below the poverty line. The tax threshold needs to be raised much much higher than the truly shameful level of $6000.
    Rich scum bags live debauched lives while many many families struggle daily to make ends meet.
    The greed of the rich are their own worst enemies. The hatred of the poor towards the rich grows day by day.
    have a nice weekend.
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