NXS 9.09% 12.0¢ next science limited

Let's just say the cleverly worded announcements are all BS,...

  1. 734 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Let's just say the cleverly worded announcements are all BS, being consistent with what they have promised over the last 5 years.

    So let's take a look at our World Class Assets.

    Seems the new contract has reflected poorly on last quarters earnings.
    NXS is yet to settle a take or pay compensation claim against STO
    Resource halved
    Big expenditure on the horizon.
    Cost of production is outrageous
    A claim foreshadowed by a contractor.

    Minority holding
    Sedco claim $70m
    Massive loss taken on long lead items, tens of millions
    Massive investment circa $200m wasted
    Major financier wants out BOS
    Big expenditure on the horizon.
    CS exiting

    At least 6 of key management on the consummation of Shell deal.
    LDM and Co will bring this down and She'll will collect at next to nothing. This is not bad luck, it's the best I've seen in value shifting.

    Smell the roses guys. You've been screwed well and truly.
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Mkt cap ! $35.05M
Open High Low Value Volume
11.0¢ 12.0¢ 11.0¢ $11.81K 102.4K

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No. Vol. Price($)
5 40537 12.0¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
13.0¢ 23548 2
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Last trade - 13.03pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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