the "rudd factor"

  1. 2,780 Posts.
    From news online today.

    Even a mere backbencher from Queensland is getting in on the "negotiations".

    "Queensland MP Mr Katter said last night he still hadn't made up his mind who he would support.

    "I am locked in right where I was from the start. I'm just lining up both offers, and trying to do the best for the people of Kennedy. For me, this about the survival of the people I represent," he said.

    But he said he'd been heavily lobbied by Kevin Rudd, spending hours at the former PM's Canberra home.

    "Even Therese has been there. But I have been quite genuinely surprised at the intensity of (Mr Rudd)," he said.


    Anyone who thinks that Labor can for a stable government with the assistance of the Extremist Greens and a few Independents is quite mistaken in my opinion.

    Rudd does nothing if it won't benefit Rudd.

    He wants Labor to be in power because he doesn't want just to be leader of the Opposition. He wants the top job again. Driven by ego and power, is Mr Rudd.

    And, if things don't work out his way, he will move on to other "prospects", forcing a bi-election in Griffith. Labor will be very hard pushed to retain that seat, given that there was a 9% swing against Rudd in this election.

    More food for thought.

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