The sad upshot of the Bruce and Brit imbroglio

  1. 5,269 Posts.
    It looks like a low trust culture between the AFP and the Canberra DPP's office will be one of the unintended results of the current Board of inquiry surrounding the Brit and Bruce saga.

    Detective investigating Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation complained he ‘didn’t like being threatened’ after call with her boyfriend

    A detective who investigated Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation complained he “didn’t like being threatened” after a phone call with her partner David Sharaz.

    A detective who investigated Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation complained he “didn’t like being threatened” after a phone call with her partner David Sharaz.

    In fresh witness statements released by the Board of inquiry into the conduct of police, prosecutors and the Victim of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates, the distress of the senior police officer has been laid bare.

    The inquiry has previously heard evidence from Detective Superintendent Scott Moller that shortly after Mr Sharaz’s phone call to Detective Inspector Marcus Boorman, the instructions were delivered to charge Bruce Lehrmann.

    He said Mr Sharaz threatened to go public with complaints over the speed of the rape investigation and sent emails to the detective investigating the case and the Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates.

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