Hi cernob The way that the political system is supposed to work...

  1. 25,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi cernob

    The way that the political system is supposed to work in Australia is that we have representatives elected to represent and work for the benefit of people in various areas of the country so as to get a balanced viewpoint.

    Then we have the Senate which is elected state by state to monitor legislation and send it back if they find that it is not in the interests of all states.

    Well that no longer happens as all politicians vote along party lines and the senate has ceased to be a review of anything and is no more than a rubber stamp

    The politicians in general have slowly gotten themselves into the position of being un-touchable and un-represenative, they no longer represent the people who vote for them and there is no mechanism that the people can use to penalize them or even ask them why they are doing what they are doing

    SO the people have no control over the H of Rs and the senate is not working properly

    The senate due to the ridiculous system where we were compelled to either fill in up to 170 squares to vote or to give our proxy vote to someone else to use as they wanted needed fixing, whether the changes rammed through will work for the big two as intended or backfire on them depends on the desire of the public to take some control back of the political system.

    More good quality independents in the senate will make it back into what it should be with some independence to be a house of review

    The raspberry often quoted about an obstructive senate is sour grapes, if politicians had any skills or ability they could negotiate to get legislation passed
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