the 'ss' global warming propaganda & lie machi

  1. 6,029 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    There is the very misleadingly named web site, ',' that is a major proponent of the establishment's global warming science fiasco. The site has always seemed to be a bastion of climate falsehoods, untruths and misinformation designed to specifically mislead the public - it's what some would refer to as propaganda with fundamentally evil intent.

    As an example of the misinformation, the 'SS' site continuously pushes the propaganda that climate models can produce accurate predictions, for not only short-term scenarios, but for exceedingly long-term climate scenarios. As 'C3' has long documented, computer climate models are robustly and spectacularly wrong for any climate prediction, for any time period, without any question.

    Not so the 'SS' site. Its desire to mislead the public is so strong that it deleted the offending factual information on the left from its own comments section. Why? Because fundamentally evil, totalitarian mindsets cannot allow the public to witness the truth or empirical fact - that's their nature.

    A common tactic for the totalitarian mindset is to conclude that differing opinions and inconvenient facts must be the result of the mentally deranged, thus any information from these sources must be changed or erased, for fears the propaganda machine's "truth" will diluted.

    The totalitarian machinations found at the 'SS' site are typical of left/liberal/green "climate science" sites and blogs - the inconvenient empirical evidence and objective science must be smeared and/or eliminated. This is also very common within the left/liberal establishment MSM that constantly fabricates a "consensus" regarding global warming.

    For the uninitiated to the 'SS' site, here are some inconvenient truths, objective climate science information and actual empirical evidence, that you won't find at their site:

    See here how they fabricate temperature charts

    Also see here
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