the states fault

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    If its the States' fault Ms. Gillard - that power prices have gone ballistic - through the roof over the last 5 or 6 years or so - as you stated yesterday - in your "latest brainwave" chirping - no doubt one cooked up whilst on hols in Nth Queensland, to try and save yourself - we must then remind you - WHO were the Governments in power in most States when such prices were going through such roofs - i.e. the culprits?

    Think you'll find they were nearly ALL LABOR State Governments! Most of whom, especially the major States, had had a very firm grip on the reins for a very very very LONG time.

    Can hardly blame the newcomer incumbents now, can you!

    But of course the real truths and realities get very blurred when you're flat out spinning like a top.

    You and "Elton" Emerson would have us believe that July 1 was the beginning and the end of the Carbon Tax rort damage - but it was only the very first day of conception of the huge relevant disasters which will ensue. The tsunami hasn't hit us yet - but it's on the way!

    I really think you've sadly picked out the wrong self-help book Ms. Gillard - or was it a title mis-print? The title you seem to have bought is, I allege - "How to make people hate you." Hope you didn't pay too much for it. Must be lots of discarded second hand ones around from others who've perfected the art.
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