Looking forward to the sunshine. (Pity the wheels of justice...

  1. 6,215 Posts.
    Looking forward to the sunshine.
    (Pity the wheels of justice turn slowly)

    “Judge Rules Against the Makers of Election-Lie-Hyping Film ‘2,000 Mules’ — Allows Case to Proceed to Discovery”

    "Today, a federal court in Georgia greenlit a lawsuit against Dinesh D’Souza, Salem Media, Regnery Publishing, True The Vote, and True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips (along with D’Souza Media) for peddling manufactured lies that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by “ballot mules” engaged in election fraud.

    In a significant win for our client, voters, and democracy, the defamation and voter intimidation lawsuit filed against the makers and promoters of the disinformation film 2000 Mules and its accompanying book will proceed to discovery on its Ku Klux Klan Act and defamation and invasion of privacy claims.

    Publicly, repeatedly, and without evidence, the defendants falsely accused Plaintiff Mark Andrews of being a so-called “ballot mule,” claiming he illegally cast ballots as part of a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election from then-President Donald Trump.

    There was no factual basis to their claims; in fact, this lie had been repeatedly debunked and the complaint details how Defendants manufactured so-called “evidence” to fabricate their lies."

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