The stolen generation myth !

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    With the conference at Ayers Rock, much has been said about the plight of the "Stolen Generation" of predominantly half cast Aboriginal children, as there are only a few around of that original number we now have the sons and daughters and grand children claiming stolen generation status. At last count 50 + billion dollars a year go into Aboriginal welfare and programmes, million of hectares of Islands and highly productive land has been set aside for exclusive Aboriginal use, majority of which lies unproductive. Another stolen generation is being created as we sit her blogging as there are signs on road sides, adverts in movie houses on TV and radio almost begging mostly white people to take and foster malnourished  neglected and sexually abused Aboriginal children  because as that is what was happening in the past to the half cast children that were removed for the same reason, their own safety. Ironically over  and before the so called stolen generation, there was another stolen generation that receives absolutely no recognition and that is the 100,000 children ripped from their homes and countries and sent not just 100s of miles away but half around the world with no hope of ever seeing their relations or friends ever again. Like the Rabbit Proof Fence, The Leaving of Liverpool should be mandatory reading for all Aboriginal stolen generation bleeding hearts that their plight is not unique and others have faced a far worse time without the lies and self pity.
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