the stupid terrorists club, page-8

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    lekki, perhaps you'd be able to see the world a bit more clearly if you weren't such a condescending twit. What "tandrum" are you talking about? What the hell do you mean by the word "left"? The world has moved way beyond this "left-right-left-right" stuff lekki! A bloody long time ago. People have realised that they are idiotic labels which both sides use to discredit the other. They are meaningless when one comes to debate a specific point. GET THAT INTO YOUR HEAD! Forget the "right=righteous+ and "left=sinister" BS! It doesn't help anyone get anywhere - except perhaps marching round in circles!
    Again, your argument is a shallow attempt to add fear upon fear, fire upon fire, garbage upon garbage, racism upon racism, intolerance upon intolerance... Boy, we really are shaking in our proverbial boots as we wait for all hell to break loose, Democracy to collapse (did that a bloody long time ago, lekki, a bloody long time ago!) and, mate, will we not learn then, that D ic ktatorship is sooooo much better!

    Pull it out mate! (and hand it over to one of your devotees... ypers?)
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