the stupidity of the s. happens incident!!, page-9

  1. 17,565 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    It is interesting you say that.

    You thoughts are positive IMO.

    I think education is very positive and knowledge even more positive.There is always a place for education because no-one can deny the young have to learn somewhere.

    What I do think though is the unions have captured the education system into a model which is narrow, promotes control, form over substance, their agenda and a socialist propaganda agenda probably through an element of fear propositions.

    What I do think, and it is a question of when not if, all be it probably not in my lifetime, education will move from a public locational based system to a web based, interactive and material test based system.

    I think the socialists are frankly terrified the indonesians or other areas will come up with a better educational model and out compete Australia in terms of teaching methods and effectiveness in the same way China is beating US and the Aus retail sector. So IMO they are attempting to influence a power structure with religious foundations with a my socialist leaning to maintain the power structure. However, it is still a power structure and is of little help to the man/woman on the street in Indonesia. Knowledge , is the main indregient their people need and when the emphasis is on school structural buildings one has to question the motives of labor when in 500 years , except for a few age groups , school buildings my well be a thing of the past.

    As some may say in Joan of Arc age when comparing what she did at her age , as far as education goes, some may say at the moment we are living in the socialist dark ages with teachers the whipping boys and girls!
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