Excerped from Larry Pickering's latest - the whole of this...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Excerped from Larry Pickering's latest - the whole of this opinion piece HIS opinions, facts claimed HIS research, all of it only HIS allegations:-


    "Like bacteria in a petri dish, an all-pervasive Sharia law has silently, overnight, eaten into your life-style and bank account. A bacterial bath of Islamic “culture” is feeding on its host’s nutrients and, when sated, it is programmed to move on to the next host.
    Islam has found a way to force every Australian family to donate to the Islamic cause and you’ve been living under a rock if you think terrorism isn’t one of its causes.
    Impossible you say? I thought so too, until I searched for a list of foods that are Halal compliant.
    Now, I’m not easily spooked but the list is jaw-droppingly long and includes every type of Aussie tucker from Coco Pops and Vegemite to Bega Cheese, Steggles Chickens and even Peters bloody Ice Cream!
    Yep, every time you visit the local supermarket you are unknowingly contributing to the Islamic cause. Okay, that’s fine if that’s your wont but if it’s not, then you’ll need the eyes of a hawk to detect that little Arabic insignia hidden somewhere between the calorie count and the salt content.
    How the hell has this happened, you ask? Ha! I bet you thought only the CFMEU used standover tactics. Not so, Islamic certification organisations have blitzed every food manufacturer in Australia with threats of serious harm to export markets and local boycotts.
    The Indonesian Council of Ulama, MUI, (which also orders Fatwa rulings) is the Mafia style Islamic body organising the multi-million dollar racket that forces Australian companies to pay outrageous amounts to have their food certified as Halal.
    Food served on QANTAS flights is now Halal and all pork dishes have been banned... not bad for less than two per cent of the population, eh?
    One major Aussie meat processor, who refused to be identified, claimed he had been told to pay $27,000 a month for Halal certification, which of course was expected to be passed on to the consumer.
    The certifying game is now so lucrative that certifiers are fighting for territory like a mob of New York gangsters.
    Stephen Kelly, the general manager of industry affairs for the Japanese-owned Nippon Meat Packers, said MUI had banned his Queensland abattoirs from selling meat in Indonesia because he had done a deal with MUI’s opposition, Australian Halal Food Services (AHFS) which had undercut MUI.

    (N.B. This next paragraph has been heavily edited by me - all allegations therein, as stated above too, all Pickering's.)

    Local mosque clerics.... Aussie food processors .............. unless they pay fees to become Halal certified,.....things will happen.)

    Arnott’s is attempting to hold out with some of its products but will eventually succumb.
    Halal certifiers’ websites project a moderate image hiding the underlying vicious competition for a piece of the Aussie pie. (Oh, and Four ‘n Twenty pies are also Halal certified.)
    The funds scammed from Aussie shoppers are said to assist in building local Islamic schools but there is ample evidence these funds are finding their way overseas for Allah only knows what purpose.
    The Indonesian system that has taken over Aussie food manufacturers is a template of the European scam authorities are unable to stop.
    Our Federal Department of Agriculture says it has “no power over religious certifiers”. But a spokesman said, and get this:
    "The Australian Government values our close relationship with MUI and will continue to work together with them to overcome issues that affect the mutually beneficial trade in red meat to Indonesia." Hmmm.
    If you think the Halal scam is a rort, wait ‘til you read the next article on Sharia banking. It’s already in operation here and it’s already costing you money.
    Again the Government says it can’t (or won’t) act to stop it.
    [NB, Halal certified meat is where the animal must face Mecca before its throat is cut. Islamic law does not allow stunning. The animal must remain alive so the heart can continue to pump all blood from the body. This doesn’t happen in our abattoirs of course but it’s important that the Muslim believes it does. The Halal fees augment that belief.]"

    End quote.

    Why is there not huge Australian public outcry about these insidious, hidden taxes - being so slyly applied - unbeknown to the larger Australia population?

    A petition of complaint to the Federal Government against this hidden impost would be the way to go, IMO.

    And some complain about Hockey and HIS upcoming budget. Yet this outrageous financial imposition, as alleged here, has crept under all our guards!

    What, rule by gradual stealth?

    The full Pickering article is entitled "Islamic Juggernaut Advances".

    I hope the right to free speech applies. whatever the nationality - the religion - the ideology.

    These little known facts - if all true - all strength to Pickering, and those like him. Putting some alleged truths out there - things we'd normally never get to know.

    Not a crime in any democracy - at least, last time I looked.
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