the subterraen scandal of taxes we don't know , page-26

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "No Halal certification and your products will be boycotted."

    They will only be boycotted by around 2.5%, as that is the percentage of people here who follow Islam.

    Now what is wrong with the rest boycotting Halal products?

    "To (insert company name),

    As an Australian consumer I would like to make an informed choice about the purchases I make. I ask that you would clearly identify on your products which ones have been subject to halal certification.

    I do not wish to support any brand that pays an Islamic religious tax to have their product halal certified. Less than 2% of this population is Muslim and I do not want to fund special religious rituals or political campaigns to increase the presence of Sharia Law in Australia.

    Please respect consumers and give them/us the necessary information so we can make our own choices. Please, also consider carefully what you are funding when you pay halal certification fees. The Koran says food must be halal but certification is a modern day tax imposed on a majority of people who do not submit to the Islamic religion and Sharia law.

    Yours Sincerely,
    (Your details here)

    To (Politicians Name),

    As an Australian consumer I am frustrated and concerned by the practice of halal certification in this country.

    I do not wish to support any brand that pays an Islamic religious tax to have their product halal certified. Less than 2% of this population is Muslim and I do not want to fund special religious rituals or political campaigns to increase the presence of Sharia Law in Australia. I am also concerned about possible animal cruelty in the halal slaughter process. The Koran does not stipulate anywhere that a product must undergo certification for it to be halal.

    Despite this many companies are paying for halal certification and not displaying it on their labels or even on their websites. Sometimes it is even difficult to get such information when calling the company directly. What can be done about making it law to display halal certification on labels so consumers can make informed choices about the products they buy?

    Yours Sincerely,
    (Your details here)"

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