the subterraen scandal of taxes we don't know , page-27

  1. 7,432 Posts.

    a week or so ago in the philosophy and religion section there was a discussion that the Cross was not biblical.Jesus wasn't crucified on a cross but it seems on a single upright log or something.

    now this discussion/revelation was all backed up by greek translation of the words in the bible confirmed and led by their 'cabal' of bible bashing purists.
    No mention of the Cross and in fact no historical use of that symbol by the christian community til 800 AD or something.Early christians used the Fish.

    Now isn't that amazing? the purest of the pure fundamentalist Christians,their inteligensia recognise that the Christian Flock has been 'duped' taken from the bible path as written by god into the false idol of the Cross.

    Go ask down in Phil and Relig about this if you don't believe it.

    So even the Crucifixion as taught is 'flawed'. Add this to Easter date being calculated by the phases of the moon and really what's the religious significance of hot cross buns? commemorating the Last Supper? pull the other one they're just a variation on raisin toast.

    so Chrysalis I wonder which ingredient in a hot cross bun has to be Halal? do they have gelatine in them boiled down from cow hooves?
    maybe just maybe Aldi is certifying these raisin buns with a pretty poor tasting icing in the shape of a cross to the 'community' that bought us raisins The Middle East [wasn't it?] aren't really 'religious'.

    besides you should really be supporting your local bakery where no doubt some ingredients don't include some bearded dude facing Mecca preparing them.
    probably got their beard hair fallen in the mix!!

    lighten up Chrysalis ain't you the vapour trails poster?
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