the suicidal left, page-4

  1. 607 Posts.
    "The Left’s gains have been greatly facilitated by its ingenious modus operandi, which is to cloak its destructive intent in the language of good causes. Civil rights, gender equality, ecological preservation are among some of its favorite ploys. The ostensible caring is not real, for these are not at all what the Left’s efforts are ultimately about."

    no jconnell what it means is that a certain group of left wing moral bankrupts are prepared to proistitute themselves to religious maniacs to achieve very cheap political gain, even if the conspiracy theories they help push are so insane and easily discredited its mind boggling.

    thats what it means. make no mistake people that push these theories are in the end result playing the same game as the real people who committed 911. All for their cheap self aggrandisment

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