Look at this from the World Bank (Hello?) - they only...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 268
    Look at this from the World Bank (Hello?) - they only extrapolate the past:

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The recent sharp declines in oil and food prices have marked the end of the 2003-2008 commodity price boom - the most historic of the past century, the World Bank said Tuesday in a new report called "Global Economic Prospects 2009." The boom was driven by strong global economic growth and has come to an end with the abrupt slowdown in the global economy precipitated by the financial crisis, the World Bank said. "We find that speculation about looming shortages of food and energy are not well-founded, and that the world won't run out of key commodities given the right policies," said Andrew Burns, lead author of the report. Oil prices are likely to average about $75 a barrel next year and, for the next five years, real food prices worldwide are expected to remain about 25% higher than they were in the 1990s, according to the report.

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