@FutureCEOTo all reading this thread!!!!!! THE CATHOLIC CHURCH...

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    To all reading this thread

    The Babylonian Roman Catholic Church


    *Disclaimer to Catholics.

    This page exposes what is going on in the upper echelons of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has been deceiving people for many years and is the most powerful satanic organization on the earth. Does this mean all Catholics are satanist? No, that is silly. But this article is intended to wake people up to the truth about who true Catholic Church really is and where their beliefs and traditions come from. Do not simply turn the other way because the information is too hard for you to even look into. Christians are to be lovers of the truth. God said, “seek me with all your heart, and then you will find me”. We must pray and seek God with all of our hearts. God knows our hearts more than we do and we can’t be fake with him. If you truly and diligently seek God with all your heart for the answers, then you will find them. Jesus said, “seek and you will find, ask and you shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened.” We must be honest with God and say, “God, where do my beliefs come from? Have I actually sought with all my heart to know what I believe in, or have I just followed what I thought was the right way as others have directed me and taught me?” Truly, you will find the truth if you seek it with all your heart.

    And finally, seek God to be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. That is what the above quote from Jesus was more specifically about. If you have the Spirit of Truth, then you will be full of the truth. To be born again means, you go from one way of life to another. Jesus said we must be born again of water and of spirit to enter into the kingdom of God. It means the old you and all your old desires die and are buried in baptism. First we must come a baptism of repentance which means turning from all your sins, not just staying in the same sin and asking for forgiveness over and over without trying with all your heart to escape. Seek God until he rains down righteousness upon you. Jesus said, “blessed are those who seek after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” So, we must first repent, be baptized in water, and then be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance, but then came the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will fill us with truth and power to overcome the world as Jesus said. Many people say they believe in God or Jesus and they do well, but even the demons believe and they tremble. To believe in Jesus is more than just acknowledging that he exist and is Lord. To believe means to know and follow his word. People say with their mouths that they believe, but it is evident in their life that they do not. The Bible says no liar will enter into the kingdom of God, and you say you believe, but you are constantly lying, then how much do you actually believe in Jesus? If you believe in Jesus, then you will do as he says because you know his word is truth.

    Blessed are you who do not shut their eyes and turn off their ears from the truth. But cursed are those who hate the truth and love lies. So, please, seek God and his righteousness with all your heart that you may know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

    Below I will show both Catholicism and its hierarchal ties to Satanism as well as some of Catholicism’s false doctrines.

    Vatican Hall - The Popes Throne - From The Mouth of The Serpent
    The Pope sits in Vatican Hall which is shaped and appears just like a giant serpent from the outside and inside. Right behind where the Pope sits is an artist construction of Jesus resurrecting out of a nuclear apocalypse. As you can see, the face and head of Jesus is distorted and half gone. It appears as if a serpent is coming out of the figure’s head. Very demonic.



    Vatican Hall - The Popes Throne - From The Mouth of The Serpent

    The Roman Catholic Church is not a christian organization, nor has it ever been since its conception. The church was established by Emperor Constantine to save the collapsing Roman Empire. The Roman Emperor simply changed his title to pope. The Romans, like the Egyptians, worshiped Babylonian gods but had their own small twist on mythology and changed the names of their gods. The Roman Catholic Church did the same thing with the Roman gods and mixed Christianity with their Babylonian religion. They simply renamed the gods with christian names. For example, the Roman goddess, Aphrodite (ISIS, Ishtar, and Astarte), was changed to Mary. This same false Babylonian goddess was given the title of Queen of Heaven. And what do you know? Mary of the Roman Catholic Church is given the same title of Queen of Heaven. There is no such thing as the Queen of Heaven in the Bible except for when Jeremiah warned the people to stop worshiping her. If only Catholics read their Bibles and followed it instead of blindly following the Roman Empire. The Roman sun god, Sol Invictus (Tammuz or Horus), was changed to Jesus. The sun worship is represented by the 8-pointed star and represents the worship of the sun god Baal which means lord. This is also the origin of the Roman-Babylonian holiday celebrated on the 25th for the sun god.
    Moloch/Baal Near The Vatican

    The Vatican has decided to approve a statue of Moloch or Baal, the ancient god of child sacrifice, to be put on display near the Collosium in Rome. Notice the all-seeing eye. This must be a different eye than the single eye used by the Freemasons and the occult, right? Also, notice the hexagram. But isn’t the six-pointed star supposed to be the Star of David or the star of Israel? To the ignorant masses, these symbols are meaningless and are completely random and coincidental in their use and appearance.
    Jeremiah 32:35
    And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
    Psalm 106:37-39Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.
    Dagon - Ruler of the Holy Sea

    Not only is the pope wearing the mite of Dagon but the 8-pointed star of Baal is on his mitre.
    The Serpent, Pine Cone, and Enlightenment

    The Pope is pictured with Patriarch Bartholomew who is holding the staff with the two serpents. Annubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, is also seen holding this staff. Notice the ball on the top and the wings which are also seen on the medical symbol. What does the god of the dead and the medical logo have to do with each other? The medical logo is often displayed with the 6 pointed star or hexagram which is another occult symbol. The staff with the pine cone on top is the Staff of Osiris. The pine cone symbolises the pineal gland which is believed to be the physical spiritual center of the brain in the occult. The serpents riding up to the pineal gland represent enlightenment or illumination. This also represents the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden where occultist believe Lucifer enlightened man through knowledge and freed man from the creator. This same pine cone can be seen on the popes’ staffs and at the Vatican. The pine cone can also be seen being held by the Babylonian god Marduk and in the archetecture of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The eye of Horus is also displayed as the pineal gland.
    Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age believe in chakras which are types and points of energies in and around our physical bodies.
    The belief in Kundalini energy or Kundalini yoga dates back to the Vedic collection of writings known as the Upanishads (c. 1,000 B.C. – 500 B.C.) or later. It is the belief that a serpent energy runs up the spine from the base to the third eye. This serpent kundalini energy has to be unlocked to attach all the chakras and reach the third eye which symbolizes one’s “awakening”, “enlightenment” or “illumination”. This serpent can also be seen wrapped around the baphomet’s phallus. The chakras which are opened up and the Kundalini energy is really the energy of Lucifer being opened up through portals within the human body. These portals allow demons more and more access to your mind and body through the portals.
    The Hexagram - Star of Satan

    Catholic Occult Hand Signs



    Roman/Babylonian gods and goddesses at the Vatican



    The first statue is of the Roman god Jupiter whom the Roman Catholic Church changed to saint Peter. Notice the hand sign and the 8-pointed star/halo over his head. The last statue is androgynous. A common belief in the occult is the divine nature of androgyny. Androgyny has been a part of many different Babylonian religions and cultures such as the Romans. The ruling class has always had a fascination with androgyny. This is why many kings dressed as women. These were the sodomites in ancient times who dressed like women. This is where today’s transgender agenda comes from. It is the ruling class pushing their ancient beliefs on the masses and trying to desensitize the public to their perversions.
    The Great Dragon, The Devil
    The Papal crest is literally the winged serpent or the Devil.



    The Templars Cross
    The cross has ancient origins. The Knights of Templar used this cross as their symbol. The Templars also created the androgynous baphomet goat god idol. The Templars were eventually destroyed by the Catholic Church and formed freemasonry to continue the cult. This is why the Catholic Church was rivals with the Freemasons. However, the Vatican eventually accepted and merged with freemasonry. Secret societies dying and forming new secret societies can be found all throughout history. The most powerful secret societies of today are really very ancient and have passed down their craft and secret occult knowledge for hundreds and even thousands of years. Today the high satanic order called the Knights of Malta, use this cross and this is most certainly what it represents within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.


    The Inverted Cross
    The Pope sitting on a chair with an upside down cross which is a very common and well known satanic symbol. Catholics will explain this away by calling it Peter’s cross. They can call it whatever they want. It is an inversion of the cross. Satanists invert everything.
    The Bent Cross
    Here is the Popes holding a staff with the bent and warped cross and a disturbing, weakly sick looking depiction of Jesus Christ


    Satanic Hand Gestures
    Not every time someone says god are they talking about the same God you may be thinking of. When speaking to Congress, Pope Francis paused and very intentionally held up the 666 hand gesture when he said, “god”. This is commonly done among occultists to let others know what god they are talking about.


    Catholic All-Seeing Eye Symbolism
    Below is artwork at the Vatican and Roman Catholic Churches which depict the Egyptian pyramid with the eye of Horus or the all-seeing eye of Lucifer. The last painting is hard to see, but it is in the Vatican and shows the pyramid and eye with the mother goddess also holding the occult ouroboros symbol.






    The Papal Cross
    below is the Papal Cross which has similar aspects to the occult leviathon symbol




    X Symbolism




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