the trashing of australia

  1. 5,132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    This will be a short reasonably post.

    Rudd & co are not stupid.

    Their first 3 years in government can, at best, and most generously, be described as mediocre.

    The Rudd government's fiscal incompetence needs to be hidden, and is best done by convincing the populace of a return to surplus in 3 years.

    Rudd is also in need of a distraction from his ETS failure - he tried healthcare & did not get the traction.

    The mining tax's only "elegance" is that it blends the two above imperatives nicely for Rudd: i.e. great assistance with the "spin" of a return to surplus; and a "manufactured" distraction that can resonate with the Left who were outraged by the ETS back-down.

    This "bleak equation" may work for Rudd to get him re-elected. However it will result in the trashing of Australia's name, and in the long run do immense damage to the country.

    Never in almost any country I can think of, possibly aside from Zimbabwe, has a country's leadership put their own short term self interest, so recklessly above the national interest.

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