I think what needs to be addressed is the father of lies: Satan....

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    I think what needs to be addressed is the father of lies: Satan.

    Many people are confused today, unsure of where to turn for truth. With various interpretations and translations, it can all become overwhelming. As we've seen here many times, misunderstandings and disagreements often escalate, revealing true colors in the process. Attacks are abundant here, even saying that I have "weak faith", simply because my understanding don't align with theirs .

    Throughout Scripture, we are warned about false gods, idols, and pagan rituals. This is the devil's religion; he breeds confusion. He would rather you be confused than understand the truth. Through vessels like Constantine and others, he infiltrated the churches with many false doctrines and misconceptions.

    The Bible clearly identifies Satan as the father of lies. In John 8:44 (TLV), Yeshua says, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” This emphasizes that Satan's nature is rooted in deception.

    Moreover, God consistently rebukes paganism and false gods throughout Scripture. In Isaiah 45:20 (TLV), God declares, “Gather together and come, draw near together, you survivors of the nations. They have no knowledge who carry the wood of their carved idol and pray to a god that cannot save.” Here, God condemns those who worship idols made by human hands, illustrating His rejection of false gods.

    My point is this: You have to understand that Satan is very active. He is present in every church, and false, misleading doctrines have infiltrated nearly all churches. If you simply study paganism, you’ll find where it has crept into the church, including concepts like the Trinity, rituals such as Christmas and Easter, and Sunday worship, among others.
    Let’s face it: an enemy can do more harm as a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is how Satan operates—he is everywhere, working through his evildoers to spread confusion and deception.
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