the trump card

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Talking of Aces!

    Note - I said it now - hyave been saying it frequently -

    the Gillard Trump Card will be a huge wedding - assume she and Tim Mathieson at this stage - put on (with visiting o/seas dignataries being flown in) right about September 2013 -

    after a short honeymoon, she'll then launch into full campaign mode, with lots of confetti still in hair, a few horshoes still on left arm, Tim beaming in background having
    become officially the so-called "First Bloke" - (so we can't poke fun at him any more and are forced to bow/curtsey, and Bob's your Uncle.

    a whole forest of trees'll be slaughtered for the women's print media - it'll be bigger than Ben Hur - first sitting PM ever wed in office! Almost better than a baby! The middle class ladies will be in paroxysyms of delerium!

    Baby Wong might be page - or flower girl. Wayne Swan best man. (Although that requires sincere smiling). Uncle Bob hovering approvingly - and Sarah Hansen-Young chief bridesmaid if she can stop glowering!

    Believe me, this is what the image consultant is being paid for. First, a big diamond rock - and then - ease gently into a wedding - times precisely right!

    WHO amongst us could vote against a new blushing bride and a couple on honeymoon? We would be seen as nasty nasty party poopers. And she will be at her sweetest and lightest. Would easily be worth, say, 4 million votes d'ya think media consultant!?

    People are so gullible - would not put this ruse past her - and suggest it's already in the pipeline - if she can last that long! It'll kill a few birds with one stone. Ganrer lots of cooing female votes - and make Tim legit! (They're getting a dog togetehr is the big clue!)

    (Can't see Rudd strewing rose petals ahead of the happy couple though!) It'd be more along the lines of Scotch Thistles.)

    Off this subject, see (or rather heard her) some brave woman told Labor and the Speaker they were all disgusting and hopeless from the Gallery today! From the rumpus, she got thrown out. Good on her, I say! She's probably locked up as I write - bread and water!

    It's Show Biz folks! You generate the money - and we'll spend the lot on putting on the vote buyer - sorry, show!

    Will she wear white? Red, perhaps, is more appropriate.

    But it's the white tulle which gets the old ladies sobbing!
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