So you agree he is a antiVAXer like the rest of your faith...

  1. 792 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22

    So you agree he is a antiVAXer like the rest of your faith followers? His actions prior to getting long Covid-19 and the ‘cure’ narrative dispel any doubt that Robert Malone is definitively a card carrying antiVAXer.

    Don’t you see the hypocrisy and irony in following Robert Malone? No, I guess not. As long as he says the right things: “Vitamin D deficiency cycles can account for seasonal respiratory virus cycles....”', you can ignore his use of real science like the Moderna vaccine.

    Or better still he can tell his followers that he was duped (like the rest of the general population) into taking the vaccine? Come on who is trying to kid whom? "Covid vaccines are bad for you! But heck I'll give it a shot because I need to travel to Italy...?"

    His idea that mRNA could be used as a possible vaccine delivery method came about in 1987 (published 1989). Malone tested lipofectamine on RNA and it worked as a transfection agent, and now he is saying he invented RNA vaccination - oh wow really?

    What research has he done that contributed to the development of his initial idea in the last 20 years. Nothing, the man has reduced himself to a narcissist who wants undeserved acclaim.

    Only an antiVAXer would write ridiculous tripe like this on twitter (10Nov 2021)

    ‘Deconstructing the CNN/Gupta/Big Bird pediatric vax advertising. What is going on is that Pfizer is using CNN as a surrogate to advertise directly to children, thereby driving consumer demand, to cause the USG/CDC to purchase additional Pfizer unlicensed EUA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

    This constitutes illegal marketing of an unlicensed pharmaceutical product.

    And it appears to involve collusion between CNN, the Sesame Street organization, and Pfizer. This may meet criteria for corrupt racketeering.’


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