The Truth About Vaccines, page-218

  1. 916 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Vaccination saves lives.

    It is pointless arguing with anti-vaxxers, I find it much like arguing with someone with a different well entrenched political view, they will rarely see reason, and if you try and show them up then this just reinvigorates them to spread their agenda or to try and bring you down.

    The whole concept of vaccination is to do with herd immunity. We don't see diseases like Measles epidemics until the herd immunity drops below a certain percentage, drop below this and the vulnerable suffer (sometimes through no fault of their own - eg. immunosuppression). With dwindling "herd immunity" the government has to take the hard line and introduce the No Jab No Play stuff. I am all for it.

    Vaccination rates amongst lower socio-economic groups are often higher than the middle/upper class. I put this down to a little bit of education (whether self taught or spread through gullibility)being a dangerous thing. I would challenge the antivaxxers to quote some good quality peer reviewed research to support their cause.

    **** PS: Don't quote the Andrew Wakefield article because this has been many times over revoked and rebuked.

    vaccine meme iron lung.jpg vaccine meme irone lung 2.jpg vaccine meme.jpg vaccine meme2.png vaccine meme3.jpg vaccines.jpg
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