The Truth About Vaccines, page-4313

  1. 10,759 Posts.
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    The most important indicator of a nations public health is the infant mortality rate. Mogga's post outlined the evidence that vested interests of vaccination would rather you not see;

    And we’re supposed to believe that the countrieswith the highest vaccination rates, which also have the highest infantmortality rates, is just a coincidence too!


    Despite the CDC confirming the link between vaccination and SIDS in theirown research, these deaths are labeled as SuddenInfant Death Syndrome (SIDS), which is not a cause of death, simply a diagnosisthat the baby died and they don’t know why.


    Here is a long list of babies who – coincidently - died soon aftervaccination;


    But their deathswere covered up as SIDS.


    Then read more here about the SIDS cover ups, redefinitions and the sadand ugly truth;


    And when you’ve honestly digested this suppressed and censoredinformation, watch just a few hundred of the thousands of vaccine injuries anddeaths that you won’t see reported in the media;


    Vaccine Injury& Death Stories


    What kills7,300 babies in the United States each year?

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