The Truth About Vaccines, page-4997

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    Exposed! Australia's TGA hides serious adverse reaction reports from the public database...

    "The 101 cases included in the TGA’s Adverse Event Management System (AEMS) internal database that do not appear in the DAEN include deaths, four cases of cervical cancer¹, two cases of ovarian cancer, and reports of pancreatitis, premature menopause, paralysis, and multiple sclerosis."

    HPV vaccination: more than 100 adverse reaction cases excluded from public database in Australia

    Hi. My name is Christina Richelle Tarsell,
    but people call me Chris.

    I celebrated my 21st birthday in November 2007; I did not live to see my 22nd. Suddenly and inexplicably, I died in bed in June 2008. An autopsy report said that the cause of my death was undetermined.My family wanted to know what happened to me and, led by attorney Mark Sadaka, they pursued an extensive investigation. World-class experts in immunology, Dr.Yehuda Shoenfeld and cardiology and electrophysiology, Dr. Michael Eldar determined that I died from an arrhythmia induced by an autoimmune response to the HPV vaccine Gardasil which I had received only days before my death.

    Incredibly, by law, vaccine manufacturers like Merck cannot be held liable for injuries and deaths caused by their vaccines. The only recourse my family had was to file a claim against the Secretary of Health and Human Services to hold them accountable. After 8 long years, the government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused my death. This is a precedent setting case. I am deeply grateful to everyone who, guided by truth and a higher consciousness, would not let my death be dismissed as a"coincidence." Here are the links to the rulingby Judge Coster Williams and the revisedruling by the Special Master.

    No family should have to go through this.
    Research shows that thousands of young people experience autoimmune and cardiac disorders, many fatal, after Gardasil inoculations. With this website, my family wants to share information that might prevent other tragedies. Be well, Chris.

    Quote from whistleblower Dr. Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician for Merck, who stated in the April 2014 issue(no.66) of Principes de Sante (Health Principles):

    "I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point..., the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine...has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers."

    Full link here;

    If you believe that you or your child may have been injured or killed by the HPV vaccine Gardasil, please join the Gardasil Class Action Australia to seek justice.
    Last edited by Menta: 14/11/19
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