The Truth About Vaccines, page-6664

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    The effects of vaccines on pregnant mothers, fertility and the unborn child have not been properly safety tested!

    The CDC claims that it's safe and necessary for pregnant women to get a flu shot during pregnancy. Science strongly suggests otherwise..

    The CDC’s Criminal Recommendation for a Flu Shot During Pregnancy here's another recent study..

    Flu Vaccination During Early Pregnancy Linkedto Nearly Eightfold Risk of Miscarriage

    Story at-a-glance

    • In recent years, pregnant women have been told to get an increasing number of vaccinations, even though there’s a shocking lack of studies to confirm the safety for mother and child
    • In 2009, reports of miscarriage following receipt of the pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine (pH1N1) started emerging. Now, a study has found that women who had received a pH1N1-containing flu vaccine two years in a row were more likely to suffer miscarriage within the following 28 days
    • Most miscarriages occurred during the first trimester, but several also took place in the second trimester. Median fetal term at the time of miscarriage was seven weeks
    • In all, pregnant women receiving concurrent pH1N1-containing flu vaccines had a nearly eightfold higher risk of miscarriage
    • On August 28, 2017, the AAP recommended that newborns who weigh at least 2,000 grams (4.4 pounds) should receive their first dose of hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth

    Watch the FACTS about vaccination here;

    Most pregnant women know to abstain from alcohol, tobacco and other obvious toxins to protect their growing child. So why is vaccination still recommended despite the fact it's been shown to increase spontaneous abortion risk by 7.7 times?

    What the science really says and what we’re told the science says are contradictory. The pharma-medico-media complex employ tobacco pseudoscience and propaganda to maintain the lies about vaccination.

    Last edited by Menta: 27/01/20
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