The Truth About Vaccines, page-7347

  1. 10,759 Posts.
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    We’re constantly told that vaccines have been rigorously safety tested with robust science. But you only have to scratch the surface (eg. read a vaccine insert) to realise that’s complete BS! It’s dogma that the masses never even bother to question let alone investigate. Such is the degree and the extent of the appeal to authority and entrenched cognitive dissonance regarding the ideology which is vaccination.

    Children are injected with a laundry list of untested neurotoxins, chemicals, preservatives, adjuvants, unlisted metal contaminants and active retroviruses capable of insertional mutagenesis, that is, capable of inserting the myriad (aborted fetal) human, animal, and insect DNA directly into the genome of children.

    Contrary to the dogma, vaccines are actually the least tested of all products and they are being injected into children around the world at ever increasing doses. Children are nothing less than Guinea pigs for a ruthless industry to experiment on. And the deaths and injuries from their experimentation are systematically covered up and censored and anyone who dares expose the truth about vaccines - with science of all things – is ritually burnt at the stake for heresy. The cult of vaccination is a tragic madness which history will eventually prove to be the greatest crime against humanity.
    Last edited by Menta: 18/02/20
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