The Truth About Vaccines, page-9055

  1. 5,523 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31

    You have been yapping - about shedding
    You have been whining - about shedding

    And when asked to show ANY proof you show a list of LIES.

    What IDIOT gave you that list of irrelevancies??

    Or did they give you that list to HUMILIATE you ?

    Did you read the articles in it?

    Are you capable of comprehending that YOU HAVE NOTHING in that list to back up you LIES?


    Let take a look at these one by one:

    Campbell AGM.Brother-to-sister transmission of measles after measles, mumps and rubella immunization.Lancet. 1989;333:442. [PubMed]

    It's not a study.
    This a "letter" with NO TEXT.


    Rota PA, Khan AS, Durigon E, Yuran T, Villamarzo YS, Bellini WJ.Detection of measles virus RNA in urine specimens from vaccine recipients.J Clin Microbiol. 1995;33:2485–8. [
    PMC free article]

    This study does not find ANY transmission from vaccine measles - at all.
    It is a paper showing that certain tests can detect measles -- that's all


    Permar SR, Moss WJ, Ryon JJ, et al.Prolonged measles virus shedding in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children, detected by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.J InfectDis. 2001;183:532–8. [
    PubMed]This doesn't even mention vaccine.

    FAIL 3 - LIAR

    How does that show that a vaccine sheds.
    Show me ONE SENTENCE indicating that from the article you linked

    Lets run this to ground you squirming diseased LIAR -- PROVE WHAT YOU SAY --- FOR ONCE

    The Truth About Vaccines - Vaccines Work !
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