Debate about science happens in science itself - what scientific...

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    Debate about science happens in science itself - what scientific research have the anti-vaxx lawyers done?

    What is scientific debate?

    A scientific debate is a series of scientific arguments .

    scientific argument is a process that scientists follow to guide their research activities.

    Scientists identify weaknesses and limitations in others' arguments, with the ultimate goal of refining and improving scientific explanations and experimental designs.

    This process is known as evidence-based argumentation

    The anti-vaxxers don't take part in evidence based debate -- they don't run any studies, consequently, they have no evidence.

    No evidence exists hence the anti-vaxx belief / dogma cannot be supported as valid.


    Generally, one study is not "proof" of anything.

    ( The anti-vaxxers will often state "A recent study....", which is usually a pretty good indicator that the next study is a hoax, and hasn't been reproduced by anybody else )

    The results of the study will need to be confirmed by reproducing the same, or at least similar, results in a similar study.

    Reproducibility is the closeness of the agreement between the results of measurements of the same measure and carried out with the same methodology described in the corresponding scientific evidence (e.g. a publication in a peer-reviewed journal).

    If you want to see the state of a scientific debate on any subject, review the literature.

    Don't watch youtube videos that are "cut and pasted" by a partisan party -- this is farce, not debate

    The Truth About Vaccines - Vaccines Work !

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