NO vaccine on the Australian Immunisation Schedule has ever been...

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    NO vaccine on the Australian Immunisation Schedule has ever been properly safety tested.

    So to claim that vaccines injected into Australian babies, infants, children and adults are safe is a LIE!

    Untested and liability-free products with known toxins, carcinogens, retroviruses, aborted fetal tissue, fragmented DNA and unlisted metal contaminants being injected into us and our children – all with increasing coercion and censorship.

    This is the greatest human experiment in history. And our children are their Guinea pigs!

    The ever-growing vaccination schedule was approved by Australian medical regulators and health authorities despite;

    1. Vaccines have never even been tested for carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity, infertility or effects on foetuses.

    2. Vaccine safety trials use placebo-controlled groups that are either injected with another vaccine or a solution containing the same minor ingredients as the vaccine (eg. aluminium – a proven neurotoxin when injected – and a host of other toxic additives) so that the vaccine ‘appears’ safe – but only in comparison to the equally toxic placebo. This is not a genuine placebo. Placebos in real scientific studies are inert. Otherwise the placebo is a waste of time (or a fraud).

    3. Adverse vaccine reactions in safety studies are generally monitored for 5 up to 30 days. In reality, most chronic adverse reactions only become evident in the months following vaccination and most are never reported because they are dismissed by the medical profession.

    4. Regarding vaccine efficacy; there is absolutely no evidence to support the claim that vaccines provide immunity since immunization is measured by titer testing, an imprecise and inaccurate method of measuring immunity. Antibody response to a vaccine is claimed as proof of protection, however the presence of antibodies alone does not engender immunity.

    5. The unscientific concept of vaccine-induced herd immunity is flawed given that the vast majority of the adult population are not fully vaccinated and that any protection provided by vaccines wanes over time. Both primary and secondary vaccine failure are well established in the scientific literature.

    6. Clinical trials for vaccines are performed by the vaccine manufacturers who profit from selling their products while being granted protection by authorities from harm and death caused by their vaccine products.

    So why is such scientific fraud and flagrant conflicts of interest to try to prove vaccines are safe and effective permitted by medical regulators and government health authorities?

    Why are there NO safety studies on the cumulative effect of the vaccination schedule on infants and children?

    If vaccines are so safe and effective, why do health authorities continuously refuse to perform comparative health outcome studies between the fully vaccinated and fully unvaccinated (while they are pushing hard to eliminate the unvaccinated population so such a study can never be done)?

    Why are vaccine manufacturers, medical regulators, health authorities and the media so desperate to control the information about vaccines? And why do they continually refuse to debate the science and ethics of vaccination if they are actually correct, as they claim?

    And why do the mainstream media refuse to investigate this vital health issue but instead constantly reinforce the establishment’s misinformation and propaganda about mass vaccination?

    Last edited by Menta: 25/01/20
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