The Truth About Vaccines, page-9528

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    Dr Paul “Profit” Offit has been the media’s ‘go-to-expert’ to manufacture consent for vaccine policy by systematically misinforming the public about the science for many years.

    Here Kennedy calls out Offit as a serial liar - in public - to much laughter and scorn from the audience.
    Offit's response. He remains conspicuously silent!

    In the litigious land of America that says volumes about who is telling the truth and who is lying!

    Pharma shill Offit caught lying and spruiking fraudulent pseudoscience to promote his sponsors vaccine agenda, manufacture consent for vaccine policy and further feather his own nest. And he’s the “go-to-expert” the media eagerly quotes to keep their pharma advertisers happy while they continue to censor and attack Kennedy. That’s just how the vaccine industry works its evil magic spell upon an unquestioning public. They are so much worse than the tobacco industry and their lies, fraud and pseudoscience so much more dangerous - to generations of children who are suffering an epidemic of chronic illnesses as a result.

    Last edited by Menta: 04/06/20
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