The Truth About Vaccines, page-5193

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    No vaccine has ever been proven to be safe – Top Merck scientists admit and confess to fraud and gross experimentation

    Would you buy a muffler for your car from a company that has paid out $4 billion over two decades for ruining cars with those mufflers? Of course not, but when it comes to medicine, America buys right in and the pharma industry loves it. Still today, no vaccine has ever been proven safe, just listen to the top Merck scientists themselves admit and confess it all on tape!

    They inject pregnant women and their babies first, because they’re responsible for reproduction and population growth. Every vaccine comes with a long sheet of tiny, tiny warnings about side effects and lack of efficacy, including disclaimers that no clinical studies have been run.

    You cannot debate or question vaccines online or on the news or they will cut you off, de-fund you, ban you, blacklist you, bankrupt you, and make sure no one can find you. One California radio station went so far as to censor vaccine information just before a mandatory vaccination vote. That’s dirty politics mixed with dirty medicine.

    Big Pharma is in complete control of American medicine, every vaccine invented over the past 75 years has more risks than benefits, and the cumulative effect of toxins is what does the most damage.

    The same goes for the United Kingdom. Doctors who know the truth and care are screaming for us to listen. There are still a few “whistleblower” books available on Amazon, but probably not for long.

    SHOCKER – There is NO scientific proof that vaccines even work at all anymore, and the cumulative risk of permanent side effects runs higher than ever.

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