Sofa after extermination become Sunkistwhen Sunkist was...

  1. 173 Posts.
    Sofa after extermination become Sunkist
    when Sunkist was exterminated then he become zoner.

    zoner had to prostitute himself posing as an Jew for a while as HC Zionist mods are very nervous when some facts are too hard to digest.
    He has done this to expose how Zionist Jews are well organized in this beautiful country of Oz.
    Hope the average reader of HC got a msg.

    zoner was trying to be "an honest Zionist Jew"
    as you all know there is no such thing as the above, so his life undercover was short
    the real Jews sniffed it out very quickly

    to illustrate the point, one to have just sit and reflex a bit on the way HC moderators operate
    using every available trick from mis-information to blatant extermination of the poster.

    For the record :

    1. I hate terrorists - whatever extraction they are

    2. I am not an Arab/muslim nor a Jew

    3. I do not belong to any organization (except NRMA and Medibank Private)

    4. an terrorist of muslim faith = Zionist Likudnik (same sh!t to me)

    I have more sympathy for the Arabs (as people) at this point of time as they are set upon by the Zionists who
    are using every trick and mighty force available.
    Also I would like the Arabs to stay where they are and they can preach whatever they want.

    Also I would like all the Jews to go somewhere as I just simply have no sympathy for them.

    As for the Zionists around the world (whatever country they happen to live) my view is
    they should be expelled as TRAITORS as their interest is somewhere else
    and they will not stop to compromise the interests of the country they happen to live.

    And to finish, I would like US of A become true Yankie again.

    So let the games begin ! (would be much more interesting if both sides be armed more evenly)

    PS. If GWB spoke at the American Enterprise Institute
    shouldn't our fearless leader J. Winston Howard follow and speak at the Adelaide Institute ? lol
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