Emily Banks, an anti science, anti vaping "professor" .......

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    Emily Banks, an anti science, anti vaping "professor" ....

    "Banks - head of the Centre for Public Health Data and Policy at Australian National University in Canberra and leading advocate for stricter regulations on vapes - at first attempted to avoid the question.

    She talked about the 34 countries that had banned vapes before saying the issue is ‘bigger than consenting adults buying the product’, as children have been targeted by companies to become addicted.

    Mr Canavan pushed her on the point, saying he wanted an answer to his question about vaping deaths.

    She then made the embarrassing admission that there are no known deaths from vaping itself. This compares to HALF of all regular smokers globally dying from the habit.

    She said: “So we're not just talking about deaths, there are examples of deaths in those countries from exploding batteries, for example.”

    Banks could not point to anyone dying because of inhaling a vape, but gave one example of a teenager admitted to hospital from vaping."


    “In saying it's 95 per cent less harmful, what outcome are you talking about? If you're talking about childhood addiction, you might actually say that e-cigarettes can be a greater risk than smoking. "

    These are the sort of stupids the govt is relying on to keep people smoking
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