In my own honest opinion - M-- are just riding along on pl---t...

  1. 121 Posts.
    In my own honest opinion - M-- are just riding along on pl---t c----n in the build up about carbon credits hoping that we jump on board and buy up big, pushing the share price higher when the truth all along has been that the pl---t c---on deal will fall through and they have just baited people with all the hype of C Credits.

    I bought in July 2007 $117,000 plus 2 years interest at 7% so all up $131,000 at .038 cents or aprrox 3.3 mil shares, now its worth $9000. I have no one to blame but myself, I cant sell as it cant possibly get any worse so even if it doubled I would be happy with $18,000. They are a pack of c-n art--ts and I blank words out because they are getting so desperate they are looking for dollars everywhere and might sue my a-s to fuel there filthy rotten scumbag sob sad excuse for an existance company. I live only 5 minutes from there AGM meeting place and cannot physically bring myself to go for the last 2 years as I am frightened what I might do if I start in on them. Enough is enough you would think but whilst keep funding them they have no conscious and keep taking money (issueing shares is a license to print money).

    Refer this link. the scumbag behind the fuel capsules is also in on p--net ca---n and M-m are in the thick of things as usual.

    Bank for-closing
    Marraige finished
    Everything has gone to sh-t in my life, I am going to work for M__ as they never give up, they just keep going on and end reinventing themselves.,27313,23822401-5001023,00.html,27313,23822401-5001023,00.html
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