Well for Turnbull to blame Morrisonf or his poor polling is just...

  1. 46,467 Posts.
    Well for Turnbull to blame Morrisonf or his poor polling is just rubbish.

    Why do't the Liberal party just turf Turnbull on his ear.

    Turnbull now tells the treasurer not to speak to the media.

    As i have said many a time it is so blatent from Turnbull you would not be wrong in thinking he was deliberatly wrecking the LNP brand and trying to split the party handing government to the LaborGreen party who in turn will introduce all the Leftie policies than stand to make Turnbull many more millions.

    Some of the Treasurer’s colleagues saw the Prime Minister’s remarks at the February 21 dinner as a dressing-down.
    The Australian understands Mr Turnbull told Mr Morrison his continued hard sell on raising the GST had shown the government in a bad light and was causing it difficulty.
    The dinner at The Lodge that Sunday night was not a full meeting of the cabinet, but many ministers attended. The Prime Minister is also understood over the course of that weekend to have asked the Treasurer to pull back on his media commitments, concerned at his poor performance that week at the National Press Club and in a series of talkback radio interviews, where he spoke about “unicorns” and “pixie horses” and was criticised for lacking vision.
    The following day, Newspoll in The Australian showed the government had lost its two-party-preferred lead over Labor and was tied at 50-50, which Mr Turnbull is understood to have sheeted home to Mr Morrison’s poor media performance.
    It was the first concerning poll for Mr Turnbull, ending his personal honeymoon. Before then, the Coalition had held a two-party-preferred lead of 53 per cent to 47 per cent for three months.
    When The Australian put questions to the offices of Mr Morrison and Mr Turnbull about the terse exchange during the dinner, neither denied it had occurred.
    Their relationship is understood to have suffered a blow as a result of Mr Turnbull’s criticism of the Treasurer in front of cabinet colleagues, but several observers believe they have resumed a constructive professional working relationship since then.
    Shortly before the dinner, at 5.50pm, Mr Morrison withdrew from his regular weekly slot with talkback host Ray Hadley."

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