*the unfolding of usa inc has begun*

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    The END of the USA Has Begun - Here is How is Shall Unfold

    Here are some facts for you to digest first. These are not some woo woo conspiracy nut ideas. These are facts, in which if I were to type out the sources for, would take ages upon ages.

    - The terrorists have been funded, trained and supplied by China and Russia.
    - The terrorists have nukes inside the USA, Spetnaz maintain the nukes as hired mercs.
    - The terrorists are being controlled and manipulated unknowingly, under the false pretense of Islamic Jihad.
    - The ultimate objective of Putin and China is knocking the USA off its "superpower" status, and turning them into a country that will require support from outside to survive.
    - The hurricane was a way of testing to see how the country could handle a major city being lost, as well as oil shortages.
    - The manipulation of OIL prices by Russia and China are a joint way of hurting the USA´s weath, which is how it has stayed so powerful all these years.

    Here is how things will unfold for the USA in the coming years.

    Please keep in mind - this is taken from a blueprint of how to destroy the USA taken from captured intelligence.

    - As you already know Oil will go nuts in price as it has been the last year.
    - Shortages will occur, certain shortages of food, and other important staples will start to happen.
    - Trucking companies will start to go under, and there will not be enough people to transport goods where it needs to be.
    - Inflation will start to increase extremely fast.
    - Demands for goods will create riots in cities.
    - Unemployment will increase rapidly.
    - Crime will increase rapidly.
    - The stock market will start to tumble out of control
    - When society starts to break down, there will be a new president elected. (2008)
    - Several nukes and terrorist attacks will go down, in areas that will not significantly kill people, but only terrorise people with "shock".
    - The nukes will be in areas that are timed so that downwind will be over ocean, or unpopulated areas to minimize damage.
    - The nukes will be designed to cripple the US Economy beyond help.
    - The USA will not have transitioned into its new government properly yet with new policies etc, and the government will not retaliate immediately.
    - Military leaders will be extremely upset and a coup will take place placing the country out of control.
    - The USA will nuke tactically key places for revenge with limited yield. Iran, Mecca, Medina, parts of Pakistan, North Korea (Kim will get it) and even 1 nuke in Russia, and 1 nuke in China as payback.
    - Trading across the world will break down, stock exchanges etc.
    - China will attack Tiawan, the North attacks South Korea, Russia moves back into Ukraine, and Poland, India invades Pakistan, and Iran takes over Southern Iraq.
    - WWIII Breaks out in a limited, and mostly non nuclear fashion.
    - Europe oddly enough holds together for the most part.
    - The USA will have collapsed, there will be looting everywhere, violence and people will be forced into working in separate communities to survive.
    - People from the city will move out to the country, people from the country will accept as many people as they can, but end up starting several small civil wars in certain agricultural areas.
    - The US Military will try and keep themselves together, however without the infrastructure of Oil to run the military and civilian tranports etc supplying the military, it will break down.
    - A loose alliance will form a new government and will try to establish order but will fail.
    - UFO´s by the millions will show up in the skies, without saying anything to anyone, and will remain there for weeks. Then then leave after all fighting stops, and people realize they are not alone.
    - Governments reform, fightings stop, and Russia, actually helps rebuild the USA. Though with all the nuclear detonations, it will be hard for people to survive with a combination of technology and agriculture.

    This has been seen. It will happen!

    Happen nah never...
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