Now here is something very sobering to consider.Sometimes in...

  1. 47 Posts.
    Now here is something very sobering to consider.

    Sometimes in Australia's presidential-style politics, all the emphasis is on the leader.... If you're considering voting for Kevin Rudd, perhaps you should consider who would sit around a Rudd Cabinet table!!!

    Prime Minister: Kevin Rudd

    Deputy prime Minister and Minister for Industrial relations: Julia Gillard, former student radical and AUS president

    Treasurer: Wayne Swan, former ALP state secretary

    Attorney general: Joe Ludwig, former AWU official

    Minister for Homeland security: Arch Bevis, former organiser Queensland Teachers' Union

    Minister for Trade: Simon Crean, former president, ACTU

    Minister for Transport and Tourism: Martin Ferguson, former president, ACTU

    Minister for Finance: Lindsay Tanner, former state secretary, Federated Clerk's Union

    Minister for Environment and the Arts: Peter Garrett, lifelong anti-everything activist

    Minister for Infrastructure and Water: Anthony Albanese. former assistant general secretary, NSW ALP

    Minister for Human Services: Tanya Plibersek, former student union official, UTS

    Minister for Immigration: Tony Burke, former official Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Union

    Minister for Resources: Chris Evans, former official Miscellaneous Workers' Union

    Minister for Veterans' Affairs: Alan Griffin, former official Federated Clerks Union

    Minister for Primary Industry: Kerry O'Brien, former official Miscellaneous Workers' Union

    Minister for Superannuation: Nick Sherry (O'Possum), former state secretary, Federated Liquor and Allied Trades Union

    Minister for Sport: Kate Lundy, former official CFMEU

    And if that isn't RED enough, waiting in the wings are:

    Greg Combet, candidate for Charlton and former ACTU president

    Doug Cameron, NSW Senate candidate and secretary of Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union

    Bill Shorten: candidate for Maribyrnong and national secretary, Australian Workers' Union

    Richard Marles: candidate for Corio and former assistant secretary, Transport Workers Union

    A cross-section of the Australian electorate… I don’t think so!!!

    Now you should be able to see who really does control the ALP...!!!

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