Erdogan is a deeply religious Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Erdogan is a deeply religious Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see the overthrow of Syria’s President Bashar Assad, an Alawite (Shiite) ruling a mostly Sunni country, and he didn’t much care who the opposition were so long as they were Sunnis. He also didn’t want to see a Kurdish mini-state appear just across Turkey’s southern border, so he preferred an Islamic State victory over Syria’s Kurds. But his priorities changed after he lost the June election. Now his own power was at stake, and to keep it he needed a crisis. In fact, he needed a war.

    The Kurdish votes were not coming back to the AK Party, and the only other possible source were the ultranationalists who had been alienated by his peace talks with the PKK. (The talks began and the shooting stopped four years ago, although the official cease-fire was only declared in 2013.)

    Now he needed to re-start the war against the PKK, and that would be most unwelcome to his American allies. He solved the problem by saying he would attack Islamic State and other “terrorists,” which got Washington on board — but since the Turkish airstrikes began in August, they have hit 20 PKK targets for every strike against Islamic State. It’s not even clear that Turkey has finally shut its Syrian border to Islamic State volunteers.

    If anyone should be issuing warnings it should be Russia and the US to Turkey over its ongoing support for ISIS and its ongoing attacks on the Kurds. Russia and the US should be saying in no uncertain terms to Erdogan that any Turkish warplanes launching airstrikes on Kurdish targets in Syria and Iraq will be engaged and destroyed likewise any Turkish tanks, helicopters, artillery and troops.

    Fat chance of that happening unfortunately as the US will never work with Russia and the West stupidly made Turkey a member of NATO, so Erdogan thinks he can do whatever he wants without consequences because the West has made him untouchable.

    Turkey through its genocide of the Armenians and its ongoing genocide of the Kurds should never have been made a NATO member in the first place. Now the Middle East and the rest of the world are suffering once again at the hands of Turkey, this time as Erdogan's regime plays a major hand in the spread of ISIS and its terrorist network worldwide.

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