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the us dollar is doomed..

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    Let's get some balance here and replace spin with reality.

    Instead of the nonsense thread title, "Gold is doomed" lets remove ouselves from that fantasy paper bug thread title and look at the FACTS.

    Gold, which is internationally priced in US dollars, is NOT doomed.

    What is doomed is the US dollar.

    Trillions are being printed with trillions more to come as the US embarks on yet more quantitative easing.

    Now have a read of the following:


    "U.S. Dollar, the Worst Investment of All Time?

    One investment, more than any other, has proven to be a terrible storehouse of value for well over 80 years.

    While some disasters unfold rapidly (Enron, subprime mortgages, etc.), this investments decline has occurred in slow motion, losing an average of 3.6% a year. Indeed, you can hardly find a period in the last 89 years in which this investment actually MADE money.

    That investment is the dollar.

    The above chart shows the history of the dollars purchasing power going back to the 1920s. All told the dollar has lost 94% of its purchasing power since we abandoned the gold standard. The most dramatic loss in purchasing power occurred directly after Roosevelt made it illegal to own gold. However, with few exceptions, the dollar has been spiraling downward ever since 1920.

    After Nixon ended Bretton Woods (legislation that pegged the dollar to gold indirectly), the pace of purchasing power destruction accelerated with the dollar losing an average of 4.4% in purchasing power annually.

    Gold and the Dollar have maintained an inverse relationship ever since this time. One zigs, the other zags. One rallies, the other falls. And starting in 2000, both entered long-term trends: the dollar falling while gold rallied..."

    The full article by Graham Summers is at
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