The "V"oice fading quickly, page-475

  1. 46,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 643
    we trust the gov to run defence don't we? we trust them to manage unemployment benefits? ooooops thats a ***kup hey... robodebt bad.

    obviously we can't "trust Gov" but what choice do we have? we are forced to rely on Gov. and much of this depends on the integrity of the Gov.

    had it been the Morrison mob, no way could we be confident in their good will or their promises.

    but this gov is certainly different..... so far mostly good though there have been at least 12 or so ***kups, albeit minor in overall ***kedupness. but at least there is good will in this Gov.

    imo, IF this Gov is fully genuine they'll ensure the debate formulating the shape of the Voice they will make this a conscience vote. but the debate is the thing. all aspects of the Gov plan should be open to amendment and full-throated debate to enable a finely nuanced bill gets bipartisan support.
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