The "V"oice fading quickly, page-665

  1. 29,907 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I don’t think we could find a single person, regardless of whether they support the Yes or No side of this Voice referendum who believes that any previous government has implemented any programs, set up any Institutions or “Aboriginal Councils” that would be considered to have made a meaningful impact in improving the lives of the rural and remote citizens of who qualify as Aboriginal.

    I’m not suggesting that there hasn’t been some significant upgrades in availability of medical treatment and health services.
    That’s a given as these citizens have quite a significantly higher chance of needing medical treatment as a specific demographic of the population.

    I personally think that every government (since at least 1967) have tried their best to raise living standards for this segment of citizens as well as their urban counterparts.

    I believe that there has been some great progress in the Urban based communities and who can deny that?
    It’s a real positive that “The Gap” has reduced for this section of our Aboriginal citizens and that is something that is often ignored.
    I’m not suggesting that our aboriginal urban population doesn’t need “a bit extra” in government spending to draw the Gap closer but that is an aside.

    Anthony and the other architects of this Next Attempt to produce a significant improvement in this group of citizens will need to “Explain” how their idea will improve the quality of life for our most needy if they want to be successful in the referendum.

    The only thing that is eating away at the support for the Yes campaign is a lack of clarity.

    If Albo and friends can articulate their ideas in a believable manner I reckon they can get this referendum over the line.

    Is he up to it?

    We will see

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